
The Complete Guide to the Salmon River, by George Douglas

ANACORTES, WA, - Castle Douglas Productions announced the reprint of one of the fishing industries most in-demand books of all-time. In the early 1990’s, author and publisher, George Douglas, published The Complete Guide to the Salmon River, a comprehensive guide to New York State’s hottest fishing spot, which is actually a tributary of Lake Ontario and receives magnificent runs of salmon, steelhead and brown trout for the majority of the year. Copies flew off the shelves and the book quickly became tough to find, because it it's an essential for any fisherman looking for instant success.

The book is packed with invaluable information such as where to park, specific locations from which to cast from and an array of techniques that will produce a splash of action for each hole on the river. The river is approximately thirteen miles long and has multiple holes, slots, shoots and runs--and this book covers all them leaving no stone unturned. The title also has impressive chapters on preparation for fishing the river and the history and future of the fishery.

“After I heard this title was selling for over $300 per copy on Ebay, I had to stop the madness and reprint,” said Douglas. George Douglas is now the Publisher of Kype Fishing Magazine, named after the hook jaw on male salmon, trout and steelhead. This quarterly publication is truly unique as each issue comes with a full length fishing DVD. In a recent issue of Kype (Volume 1, Issue 4) Douglas wrote an in depth article on the Salmon River which explained how the Salmon River opened the door to his career and catapulted him to where he is today. Also, the DVD for that same issue, featured steelhead fishing on the Salmon River.

www.SteelheadSalmonTroutFishing.com is the new and official website for Kype Magazine and has a free social network for anglers to join and share photos, videos and discussions. This site is currently featuring live video feeds from Kype Magazine’s 2010 film tour. Check out these videos on the community, www.SteelheadSalmonTroutFishing.com. There is a drawing for the first one thousand members who join the communtiy, with prizes ranging from Kype’s waterproof clothing line to a subscription of Kype Magazine. The Kype Nation community is free to join and it takes only a minute.

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